On Saturday evening, April 27 enjoy foodie fun at Simply Elegant: 2nd Annual Ka‘u Farmers’ Table at The Inn at Kalaekilohana. The limited seating Table features locally sourced gastronomy with live entertainment. Advance only tickets are $75 at kau-hawaii.com.
On Sunday afternoon, April 28 the Triple C Recipe Contest returns to Ka‘u Coffee Mill with competition in cookies, candies and crackers, all made with Ka‘u Coffee. Attendance and coffee tasting are free; find contest entry info at kaucoffeemill.com.

On Wednesday, May 1 explore flume systems of the sugarcane era and development of hydroelectric power on a Ka‘u Mountain Water System Hike. $35 per person. Limited to 30 with lunch provided. Visit kaucoffeemill.com or phone 808-928-0550.
On Friday, May 3 enjoy Coffee & Cattle Day at Aikane Plantation Coffee farm, where descendants of the first coffee farmer in Ka‘u explain how coffee is integrated into other agriculture. $25 per person. Lunch included. Visit aikaneplantation.com or phone 808-927-2252.
On Friday, May 3 observe the heavens from the summit of Makanau at Ka‘u Star Gazing, 7:30-10 p.m. $35 per person. To sign up, see kaucoffeemill.com or call 808-928-0550.
On Saturday, May 4 enjoy the Ka‘u Coffee Festival Ho‘olaule‘a, with a full day of music, hula, food, local crafts, coffee tastings and farm tours at the Pahala Community Center. Festival entry is free; Ka‘u Coffee Experience coffee tasting $5; farm tours $20. Call 929-9550 or visit kaucoffeefest.com.
On Sunday, May 5 learn about the coffee industry at the Ka‘u Coffee College at Pahala Community Center. Free, donations appreciated. Call 929-9550 or visit www.kaucoffeefest.com
Founded in a coffee tradition hailing to the 1800s—plus the hard work of sugar employees who lost their jobs in 1996—Ka‘u coffee burst onto the specialty coffee scene by winning numerous awards. These accolades highlight the unique combination of people and place that makes Ka‘u coffee a favorite across the globe. The festival’s mission is to raise awareness of Ka‘u as a world-class, coffee-growing origin.
Ka‘u Coffee Festival vendor and sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information and festival updates, visit kaucoffeefest.com, follow the Ka‘u Coffee Festival on Facebook and Twitter or call 808-929-9550.