Ka'u coffee cherries. Photo by Chris Manfredi |
This Sunday, May 3, we invite you to join us in a series of free informative talks that aim to identify how to achieve and maintain coffee quality and why it should matter to coffee producers in Ka'u. The official 2015 Ka'u Coffee Festival event, Coffee College, will take place at the Pahala Community Center on from 9 a.m. to noon.
Andrew Hetzel. Photo courtesy of scaa.org |
Our first speaker,
Andrew Hetzel - founder of Cafemakers, is a coffee industry specialist who advises producer
organizations and roasting businesses on trade marketing and quality assurance.
His clients include a diverse range of specialty coffee producers and consumers
in more than 35 countries, including retailers and roasters in North America,
Australia and emerging consumer markets of Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle
East. He has recently headed quality improvement and origin brand
marketing initiatives for coffee producers in Brazil, India, East Africa, Southeast Asia and the Arabian Peninsula.
As both a Q Arabica and Q Robusta instructor, he leads training courses for the
Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) and private businesses worldwide. Mr.
Hetzel is a Board Member of the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA)
and Chairperson of SCAA's Global Education and Professional Development
Committees that oversee the association's lecture, skill building and
certificate programs. As a visible industry figure he appears in consumer
media to discuss coffee issues, including CNN, Time Magazine, MSNBC, the Wall
Street Journal, Associated Press and New York Times.
Andrea Kawabata.
Photo courtesy of CTAHR | |
Andrea Kawabata - Assistant Extension Agent at the University of Hawai'i College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources' Cooperative Extension Service - will speak second. As the agent for coffee and orchard crops, Andrea works out
of the Kona Research and Extension Center and travels statewide. Andrea
continues to educate growers about CBB-best management practices and is the
current project investigator for the CBB Area wide Outreach and Education
Program as well as The Cathartus Program, a research project on local predators
of CBB called flat bark beetles.
Andy Newbom. Photo courtesy of LinkedIn |
Our third speaker, Andy Newbom - Director of Coffee at IPCoffees Specialty Imports, spent 14 years of striving for coffee perfection. As
Director of Coffee for IPCoffees Specialty Imports, he is building a new market
for Mexican specialty coffee. Andy launched Barefoot Coffee Roasters, Finca
Coffees, and Brew Revolution Craft Brewery. He is one of the founders of the
Barista Guild of America.
J. David Waldman - Rojo’s Roastery Founder, will be our closing speaker. David created Rojo’s Roastery in 2004, a full-scale
roastery, lab, and two-cafe operation. He received his CQI Q-Grader License
for Arabica in 2012.
David Waldman. Photo courtesy of YouTube |
David was born in Philadelphia in the 50’s. He comes by his
credentials honestly: cello lessons at age 4, guitar lessons at age 5, joining
the musicians union at age 13, and undergraduate studies in pre-medical
sciences. He has TV and studio credentials (pedal steel guitar) in Nashville
with the likes of Willie Nelson, George Jones, Waylon Jennings and Tammy
Wynette. A columnist for Guitar Player and Frets Magazines, a law degree, a Wall
Street venture capitalist, followed by 15 years as a New York record executive
(Sony Music) working with artists such as Bob Dylan, James Taylor, and was
an associate of MIT Media Lab.
2015 Coffee College Speaker Schedule
“Green Coffee Defects”
Andrew Hetzel
Andrew will discuss defects in green beans and the widely used standard classification method developed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), followed by a tasting session where participants will learn to recognize and identify common defects by taste.
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15 - 10:45
“How Coffee Berry Borer (CBB) damage affects the cup of coffee”
Andrea Kawabata
Andrea presents an overview of research conducted with Greenwell Farms, UCC and UH CTAHR, the goal of this project is to better understand the effects of CBB damage to roasted coffee including:
1. What percentage of CBB-damaged beans does it take to affect flavor in the cup?
2. Does a darker roast mask the taste of CBB-damaged beans?
10:45-11:00: Break
11:00- 11:30
“Drink the Blue Kool-Aid: Stand out from the pack of sameness by delivering delicious, fantastic coffee excellence in the cup of your customers”
Andy Newbom
This lecture provides a road map for Ka‘u coffee producers to distinguish themselves within the greater industry of Hawaiian coffees:
1. Cup your own coffee – constantly.
2. Lean how to roast it to highlight the intrinsic nature of the coffee, and not the degree of roast.
3. Learn how to brew and prepare your OWN coffee the best way possible to bring the best flavor and experience.
4. Spread that knowledge to all your customers so you can deliver the full Hawaii coffee experience.
11:30 - Noon
“The Buyer’s Criteria”
J. David Waldman
What convinces specialty roasters to purchase green beans from an emerging region such as Ka‘u? This lecture shares one roaster’s criteria for moving past samples on the cupping table to actual orders – especially for higher-priced beans such as Hawaiian coffees.
Ka'u Coffee Festival's Coffee College event has been consistently offered annually since our first festival in 2009. Attendance is free. Donations appreciated.