Kaʻu Coffee Festival kicked off Friday, April 27, at Pahala Plantation House. First Miss Kaʻu Coffee Helena Nihipali-Sesson sang Kaiholena about the mystical mountain above the coffee farms between Pahala and Na‘alehu. Photo by Julia Neal |
The 2018 Miss Kaʻu Coffee Court made their debut at the Paʻina & Open House at Pahala Plantation House last night. Photo by Julia Neal |
Ka‘u Coffee farmers, friends and newcomers joined together last night, April 27, to celebrate the beginning of the 10th Annual Ka‘u Coffee Festival during our Paʻina & Open House event at Pahala Plantation House.
Our 2018 Miss Kaʻu Coffee Court made its first public appearance with Queen Reishalyn Kekoa Jara, sharing her Tahitian dance talent. First Miss Ka‘u Coffee Helena Nihipali-Sesson sang
Kaiholena, the composition about the mystical mountain between Pahala and Naʻalehu, written at a music composition workshop led by Daniel Ho during a previous Ka‘u Coffee Festival.
Miss Peaberry Jacelyn Kekoa Jara and Junior Miss Ka‘u Coffee Cristina Kawewehi both performed hula. Miss Ka‘u Coffee Flower Telia Espejo-Navarro and her court Kysha Kaupu Manini and Lilianna Marques made an appearance in their gowns.
The band Shootz, with Harry Evangelista, Terry Louis, Tui Masaniai and Gabriel and Cheryl Cuevas, made its Ka‘u Coffee Festival debut and will play again on Saturday, May 5, at the all-day Hoʻolauleʻa at Pāhala Community Center (9 a.m. to 5 p.m., free entry). Guy Sesson, father of our First Miss Ka‘u Coffee Princess, performed with Volcano School of the Arts music teacher Hal Tredinnick and his daughter Jade Malia. A piano singing trio - Lora, Ruslan, and Alla - also performed.
Miss Kaʻu Coffee Reishalyn Kekoa Jara, dancing Tahitian. Photo by Julia Neal |
Ka‘u Coffee farmers and marketers, just back from the Specialty Coffee Association of America event in Seattle, reported good reception of Ka‘u Coffee at the Hawaiʻi Coffee Association booth. Many other Ka‘u Coffee farmers were wrapping up the care for their farms at the end of a season that brought in some of the highest prices and most demand ever for Ka‘u coffee.
Kaʻu Coffee Recipe Contest at Ka‘u Coffee Mill is tomorrow, Sunday, April 29, starting at 11 a.m. The public is invited to taste coffee and sample foods made exclusively with Kaʻu Coffee. Free. 928-0550,
Miss Ka‘u Peaberry Jacelyn
Kekoa Jara and Junior Miss
Kaʻu Coffee Coffee Cristina
Kawewehi performed hula at
the Paʻina last night.
Photo by Julia Neal |
Ka‘u Mountain Water System Hike is sold out on Wednesday, as is
Ka‘u Star Gazing on Friday.
Ka‘u Valley Farms Tour is still open for reservations for Thursday, May 3, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., with participants meeting at their nursery on Ka‘alaiki Rd, Na‘alehu. Explore hydroponic nursery, and tea and coffee plantings. Expansive hilltop views, mountain to coast. Includes water systems and tunnels from sugar days, and native Hawaiian forest tour. $35 per person; includes lunch. Reservations required. John Cross, 987-4229; Brenda Iokepa-Moses, 731-5409,
Ka‘u Coffee & Cattle Day at Aikane Plantation Coffee Company's farm located above Pahala on the old Cane Haul Road is also open for reservations. The event takes place on Friday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour the farm and learn how coffee is integrated into cattle ranching and other agriculture. $25 per person; includes BBQ buffet and hayrides. Reservations required, 927-2252,
Shootz band, left - who will play May 5 at the Hoʻolauleʻa - and Guy Sesson, Hal Tredinnick, and Jade Malia, focus on Hawaiian music at the kickoff party for Ka‘u Coffee Festival. Photo by Julia Neal |
Tenth Annual Ka‘u Coffee Festival Ho‘olaule‘a is Saturday, May 5, from 9 a.m to 5 p.m., at the Pahala Community Center. Celebrate Ka‘ū Coffee with free music, hula entertainment, and coffee tastings all day long. Local vendor booths. Food and beverage sales. Free to attend.
Ka‘u Coffee Experience: from 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., discover the methods behind brewing the perfect cup while enjoying free coffee tastings.
Farm & Mill Tours, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., $20/person.
Ka‘u Coffee College, Sun, May 6, 9-noon, Pahala Community Center. Informative talks given by visiting coffee experts. Free; donations appreciated.
Kaʻu Coffee Recipe Contest starts at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 29, featuring recipes made exclusively with Kaʻu Coffee.
Drop by to see, smell, and taste entries. Photo by Julia Neal