Miss Ka`u Coffee 2010 Alesha Makuakane (Ulu) visited with the 2011 Ka`u Coffee candidates and talked about her reign as Miss Ka`u Coffee and practiced the runway walk with each girl. Ulu said that in the months leading up to her debut she was so dedicated that she practiced any where at any time, even wearing her heels to school and performing her walk during recess in the yard. "The other kids would ask me what I was doing and I explained that I was in a pageant," said Ulu. She added that it may have looked strange to others, but she didn't care. She did her own thing and it paid off in the end.
In preparation for their debut at the Miss Ka’u Coffee 2011 pageant, contestants have been practicing hard, with dance, beauty, and health lessons as well as coffee education and etiquette coaching.

Nalani Parlin, Pageant Show Director and Choreographer, is in charge of organizing and scheduling each lesson so that every contender has the opportunity to take away valuable life skills just by competing. The girls are encouraged to always be gracious and confident. Nalani is teaching the young contenders that being polite, having good posture and sharing aloha should not be taken for granted. The titles of Miss Ka’u Coffee, Young Miss Ka’u Coffee and Miss Peaberry are honors awarded in each category to those not only talented and well spoken, but also good representatives of Ka’u.
Below are a few lessons each candidate has been involved in:
Contenders visited the coffee farms of Berta and Jose Miranda and Manuel Marques at Moa’ula for a photo and educational session. Farmers Gloria Camba, Pageant Chair, and Manuel Marques explained coffee farming and harvesting practices.
Myrajean Sumida, of Motives Cosmetics, volunteered to give young pageant candidates and parents make-up tips. Candidates had the opportunity to have make-up applied, foundation mixed to match their specific skin tones and mix their very own blush.
Aesthetician Ursula D'Angelo, of Beauty Calls, has been working with Kaʻū Coffee Pageant candidates to help them care for their skin. "It's never too early to start taking care of your skin," advised D'Angelo. She brought fresh ingredients that can be found in the home - such as honey, avocado, oatmeal, green tea and yogurt - and let the girls concoct their own facial masks. The contestants topped off their faces with seaweed, which is used in spa treatments to smooth and tone skin.

Nalani has been working hard in the Old Pahala Clubhouse with the girls at practicing their group dance number, walking and presenting themselves properly. Each contestant has also been individually practicing her talent for the fast approaching pageant, Saturday, April 23, 5:30pm in the Ka’u High School Gym. Read biographies and see photos of our contestants for
Miss Ka’u Coffee,
Young Miss Ka’u Coffee, or
Miss Peaberry or visit our website:
Tickets are sold out to this event, but donations are still being accepted. Nalani says she is hoping to receive prize donations for the Mahalo Drawing. The drawing is to thank sponsors, donors and friends of the Ka'u Coffee Pageant, who are automatically entered.
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